
Specials overview

Edward Teeuw

Edward Teeuw

Edward Teeuw

After collaborations with Laan Irodjojo and Jeroen Pomp, there is now a collaboration with outsider artist Edward Teeuw. He also works at studio De Herenplaats. A beautiful place (diagonally opposite the Mascolori Store in Rotterdam) with beautiful people. We are therefore happy with the connection between them and Mascolori.

The pattern

Faces in cubist style, with a strong link to African art, play the leading role in his work. I also like this pattern that is visible on these Mascolori's.

The beginning

Inspired by the cartoon drawings that Edward often did as a child, Edward's serious passion for painting began around the age of 18. And with beautiful and unique results. For that reason, his fame at home and abroad is increasing rapidly.

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